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Courageous or Crazy?

Red Frog Beach, Panama

I must confess, I have some compulsions. These compulsions I’m referring to today are all intertwined. I have this need to travel after being grounded in Kansas City, MO, raising 2 awesome kids for 20 years. I want to inspire and help people. I want to give back and I want to be fully self employed again.

What a journey I’m on currently. People tell me I’m courageous for traveling on a shoe string budget, for letting go of most of my belongings, for taking off to another country with no return ticket and $700 to my name, taking a job on a sailboat and for living out of my car and most recently driving from San Diego, CA to Fort Lauderdale, FL to force myself out of my comfort zone yet again.

Honestly, sometimes I just feel crazy!

I suppose if we’re being real my life and my choices are a bit crazy. The thing is I don’t know how to be any different. I’m wired this way. Wired to do literally whatever it takes to make my dreams a reality. If I didn’t do these things or I waited until everything felt secure and not risky I’d never do anything.

I’ve been clocking a lot of hours this week on my website, learning through anything free I can get my hands on, how to make my business plans take off. More than anything I want to help people. Today I applied for a scholarship for a coaching program for entrepreneurs starting an online business. We’ll see if I’m accepted. I hope so, for so many reasons. If not, I WILL figure out how to bring my goals into my reality.

My vision is to facilitate groups and one on one sessions, called “Soul Care Sessions with Kristina!”. The sessions are simple self care skills (meditation, humming, self massage, etc) that can help with coping with anxiety, pain management, recovery from illness, help with dealing with addictions, the list goes on and on folks. The class has a guided meditation and a relaxing integrated harp sound healing at the end. I envision teaching these classes at treatment centers, nursing homes, schools and business. Soul care one on ones can be the same format with the option to delve deeper into goals and goal setting. Wouldn’t it be fun to travel while inspiring others to love and care for themselves?

I want to give back. I have been gifted with so much at times in my life and I’m forever grateful. My hearts desire is to use my future income to help anyway I can in this world. I’d love to help feed and house the homeless, help people have clean water, help clean the ocean and donate my time and money to causes in the world that speak to me.

Courageous or crazy??

Ha! I guess it really doesn’t matter in the end. I’m going about life the only way I can, from my heart. I want to encourage you to do the same, what are you dreaming of doing? If we all follow our heart we can all make our lives and others so inspiring and full of love. And love my friends is what life and living is all about.

With this post I’m committing to a monthly newsletter. Topics will include healthy living ideas and inspiration on living your best life! Please subscribe on my blog page and tell your friends!

I love you,

Kristina Long

P.S Come to the jungle with me March 29-April 3, 2020. I’m helping with a magical, healing retreat in Tulum, MX. For more info go here... The Royal Vibe Journey.

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